Stop. Continue.

The certainties we had are being turned upside down. It is clear to us how interconnected we are and how deeply in need of others: family, friends, co-workers, neighbors. There, at that point, this new reality confronts us with something terrible and beautiful at the same time, our humanity with all its weakness and greatness.

We are forced to stand up differently and see the world from new perspectives in health, at work and in our personal and professional relationships.

It is clear to us that being in a hurry is irrelevant because in the near future there are only doubts. Those of us who can, should use this pause to reflect and act for the benefit of all, it is the opportunity to live this second chance as something more committed to the world, the environment and our communities.

There are companies in the creative industries that we are fortunate to be able to work from home; this allows us to help other companies with which we collaborate to communicate better in this crisis scenario; it gives us space to support organizations that strengthen our city and above all to take care of our own health and that of others.

The people who make up Enigma Creative have been working remotely for some weeks now with the aim of strengthening our collaboration with the brands that give us their trust, it is not, nor will it be, an easy exercise in the current circumstances but it is worth a try.

We must take care of ourselves and others.

By Arturo Elenes and Katalina Silva. Illustration by Tania Valencia #covid_19#creative #méxico #togetherwecan


Creemos en cultivar la curiosidad. En forjar la audacia para encontrar una solución que fortalezca el trabajo honesto a largo plazo. 

Creemos que al alentar ideas brotarán nuevos proyectos de una brillantez inigualable; donde los objetivos se vuelvan logros compartidos, las dudas puntos de partida y las soluciones estrategias.

Creemos que el trabajo en equipo es un compromiso entre clientes y colaboradores que se nutre al escuchar, investigar y poner en práctica nuestra experiencia

Y por último, creemos que navegar juntos es muy divertido e inspirador.